NLS (Non-Linear System) diagnostics is a type of alternative medical diagnostic technology that uses advanced software and electromagnetic frequencies to assess the health of the body. It is also known as bioresonance or biofeedback therapy.
During an NLS diagnostic session, a practitioner uses a special device to scan the body's electromagnetic field and record information on the state of various bodily systems, including organs, tissues, and cells. The software then analyzes the data and creates a report of any imbalances or irregularities that may be present.
NLS diagnostics is based on the principle that every cell, tissue, and organ in the body has its own unique electromagnetic signature, and that imbalances or disturbances in this energy field can indicate a health problem. The goal of NLS diagnostics is to identify these imbalances and correct them using various therapeutic interventions.
Metatron Metapathia Hospital is a commercial version of Non-Linear System (NLS) diagnostics, a type of alternative medical diagnostic technology that uses advanced software and electromagnetic frequencies to assess the health of the body.
The diagnostic capabilities of Metatron Metapathia Hospital include:
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